Best Days To Play Slot Machines 9,9/10 2756 reviews

Feb 15, 2020

Re: Best time of day to play slots. They can't adjust the machines at that time. Too many people around. 2:15am is when most are coming home from the clubs and bars, and headed for the 24 hour food places. This gives the attendant plenty of time to make his machine payout adjustments. Some slot machine players are convinced that playing at a certain time of day will make a difference in their ability to win or lose. STATUS: Slot machines don’t factor time into paybacks. I’ve already covered in depth how casinos aren’t manipulating slot machine payouts based on locations, casino’s whims or whether they’ve paid lately. The flashiest Slot machines aren't always the best to play. Read the Paytable, check the payout percentage. We have more Slots Tips, Basic and Advanced Strategies you can find out. Contrary to the myth, Casinos don't put 'Loose' slot machines in certain areas and tight slot games in other areas. Usually, the “experts” who believe in this idea will tell you that the best time to play slots is in the early hours of Sunday or Monday morning. Early hours meaning between 1 and 6 a.m. The idea is that the casino has seen a weekend rush, and games will have dealt out a lot of losing spins.

Before getting to know the secrets of slots, you need to learn a little theory. There are legendsabout the perfect slot machine. Its main feature is the largest payout or high RTP. But even the mostimpressive RTP (92-97%) does not mean you have a 100% probability of winning. The thing is that thebasis of the work of any slot machine is a random number generator.

When you play online, you can control the size of the bet. It affects your potential payouts, but yourchances of winning remain the same. Also, the machines with a progressive jackpot go to the favoritesbecause they can significantly increase your winnings, though the chances are low.

Another factor is slot volatility, also known as variance. Slots are diametrically different in thisindicator. Some slots pay less frequently, but with a lot of money. Otherwise, there is a chance ofwinning more often, but the sum is less.

Empty Casino Principle


At first glance, it might seem that playing in an empty casino increases your chances of winning. Thisis not entirely true. The fact is that the more people play slots with you at the same time, the morejackpots are at stake. Of course, do not forget that the random number generator still determines thejackpot, and there is no guarantee that you will win.

According to statistics, the more players make bets, the more often the jackpot happens. However,paradoxically, some players enter the site at the time when the load is minimal, just like they woulddo in a regular casino. In order not to follow this habit, it's vital to understand that this patterndoes not affect the online casino. Any number of players can play at the same time.

The Basic Principle of Playing Slots

This principle can be called a kind of safety technique. Remember that it is best to play slotmachines when your finances allow it, which means that to participate in the progressive jackpots, youmust make sure that you are financially ready for this before the start of the game. All casinos havetheir conditions. It may be the minimum amount or the size of an additional bet. Of course, you shouldnot bet more than you have. Nevertheless, the chance of a significant win increases along with thesize of the bet.

Play When the Jackpot Is Big

This item does not need a special introduction. You are looking for a massive jackpot or waiting untilthe amount reaches the value you like. In this case, the jackpot may occur randomly at the end of anyof the spins. Each bet increases the size of the potential jackpot. And the longer the main fortunedoes not happen, the more the amount increases. The number drops to zero, in the case of a win, andthen grows again. You can check your luck if you have not hit the jackpot for a long time. Who knows,Lady Luck might be waiting for you to grab the treasure.

I Will Win This Time

The peculiarity of slot machines, unlike other games, is that it is a game of chance. There are noclues or hidden signs of an approaching victory. Trust your instincts, and if you feel that fortunefavors you today, you can try your luck at gambling.


On the other hand, if you feel that your day is not like Beckham, you can postpone playing onlineslots for a more favorable time. Around the influence on luck, there are many myths andsuggestions for improving odds. The first rule here is not to rely on other people's clues.

The Right Time of Day

The random number generator is the king in any, even the best online casino. You can play from morningto evening at a crowded place, or bet money at night on a new gambling website, and still, lose. Oryou can play at any time and get a grand profit. Come anytime and choose any of the casino games ifyou like to play.

Superstitions are Unuseful

Best Days To Play Slot Machines

Everyone knows that the regulars of the casino are very, very superstitious. They use rituals andsystems to win for sure. We will tell you a couple of them as an example.

Play Slot Games

Recently, the myth has begun to gain a foothold that even the currency plays a role. It is not. Itdoesn't matter which cash is in your pocket: USD, EUR, or CAD. All currencies are equally good. Themachine is unlikely to monitor the exchange rate.

There is another popular myth which aims to give you a lucky chance — the so-called cold seat. Yet inthe world of online casinos, it is merely impossible to know whether someone played the machine beforeyou. The only real components of success are your ability to mind your budget, self-confidence, adesire to play, and the feeling that the right moment is now.

Best Days To Play Slot Machines

It’s Time To play!

In conclusion we can say that it doesn’t really matter when you decide to launch online slots. If youfeel like playing, do it without looking at the clock. Of course, you can make your own habits andstick to them in case you believe it will help. But the main point is to have a great time and takeyour mind off the routine.

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Unfortunately, that’s not actually the way slot machines work: the best time to play slot machines doesn’t exist. The thing is, a slot machine isn’t programmed in any way to pay out at a specific point. It won’t give out a jackpot every time $20,000 has been wagered, nor will it give out a jackpot if you play at a specific time of the day. It might go against what someone has told you in the past, but slot machines are completely random, and can pay out at any time.

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Best Day And Time To Play Slot Machines

That’s right – a jackpot can come on any spin. It doesn’t matter whether the jackpot paid out on the previous spin, or whether it’s not paid out for six months. Every spin of the reels has exactly the same chance of being a winning one. So, there’s no need to lurk around casinos, spying on other players. Instead, pick a slot and sit down, as there’s nothing you can do to alter the chances of winning the game’s jackpot.

Why Do People Think There’s a Best Time to Play?

One important thing has led to the belief that there’s a best time to play slots and win: confirmation bias. If you are told a story that slots pay out at a certain time, you’re likely to think back to the times you’ve played slots and remember that you actually scooped a big win at a time corresponding with the theory, or that you won the jackpot after watching someone else play for hours.

The thing is, while you recall the wins, you fail to recall all the other times you played at a certain time or after a big spending player and didn’t win, which almost certainly outnumber the winning occurrences. You’re looking for a way to validate the theory, and your previous experiences allow you to do this, even if other experiences go against the theory.

Now you believe the theory, you tell your friends, and through confirmation bias, they also start to believe that it’s correct. They then tell their friends, and the whole theory really starts to get some legs. Before long, everyone has this idea that there’s a best time to go to a casino and win, when in reality, it really doesn’t matter when you choose to play.

It’s also important to acknowledge that there’s an inherent suspicion of casinos, and that also plays into the theory that machines are somehow processed to only pay out once the casino has made its profit. However, there’s nothing a casino can do to change the odds of a slot hitting the jackpot, and this is because each slot uses software called a random number generator (RNG).

What is a Random Number Generator?

A random number generator is a highly complex piece of software used to make sure every spin of the reels is random. We won’t go into specifics regarding exactly how it works (learn more here), but you just need to know that it’s a complex algorithm that creates a sequence of numbers that can’t be predicted, thus ensuring that nobody knows what is going to spin in on the reels next. There’s no way that casino employees could tamper with the RNG of a slot.

RNGs are used in all land-based slot machines, aside from the older machines that work mechanically. They are also used within online slots, and that’s what we’re going to look at next.

Best Time To Play Slot Machines In Vegas

Winning On Online Slots

Best Time Of Month To Play Slot Machines

So, when is the best time to play slot machines at a casino online? The answer is exactly the same as land-based slots: there is no best time to play slot machines online. Aside from being virtual, as opposed to physical items, online slots work in exactly the same way as modern land-based slots, utilising the same technology to make every spin random and give every player the same chance.

This is perhaps most important to understand when it comes to progressive jackpot slots. Many people watch the value of the jackpot rise, and think that the higher it gets, the more likely the slot is to pay out. In reality, you’ve got exactly the same chance of winning when the jackpot is $500,000 as you do when it’s $5,000,000.

So, when you’re next in a casino, regardless of whether it’s on the Las Vegas Strip or online, ignore the voice that tells you there’s a best day to win at casino games, and just accept that whenever you play, you’ve got exactly the same chance of winning.

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